Friday, 1 January 2016


Hello Hi,

Happy new year to you all. 2015 was a blessed year and I pray that 2016 will be greater. I am thankful to God, my family and you all for contributing in making an awesome one.
No matter what you went through in 2015, there are many reasons to be thankful and happy because:

For every rice without meat that you ate, some had no food at all
For the Christmas new dress that you could not get, some are naked
For the relationship breakups, some are dying in marriages
For the weight gain you hate; some are looking for flesh
For the horrible singing voices, some are dumb
For the eye glasses you have to wear; some have no sight
For every failed hot selfie, some have no cameras
For every hairline-loss gelled in front; some are completely bald
For every rejection, some could not even apply
For every argument, some only speak to themselves
And for those that have an annoying family member, well family is everything so deal with it!

So my prayer for you this year is:

May your tears be turned into smiles,
Smiles be turned into laughter,
Heartbreak turned into strength,
Dreams into reality,
And Hope into certainty.

So please continue to follow my stories, comment, share and have a happy life this year filled with love and great opportunities. Thank you again and happy weekend!

Twitter: vivio_gogo
IG: ugochiukah