Sunday, 11 May 2014


Hello Hi,

A friend of mine wrote a nice piece of advice yesterday on facebook about how most women have to endure when searching or waiting for Mr. Right and it reminded me of the experiences that I have had or heard from friends or friends of friends. I usually laugh when I hear such stories; of course not because they are funny at first but later on when you look back and realise how you dodge such, then you would laugh. So I decided to share some with you and I believe many of you would have come across them or at least know someone that has; in fact I have names for some of these encounters. I’m sure men have their own side of the story to tell but I happen to have more female friends so these are about the men.

So my dear friends, did you ever meet:-

 “The one” that told you that how much he hated smokers
Only for you to find wrapped weed in his car pigeonhole or
 “The one” that told you that he could not imagine hurting a fly
And down the road, he Chris-brown’ed you (Serial liars)

“The one” that kissed you all evening outside in the rain
And broke up with you the next day because you were too tall for him or
“The one” that dated you for almost three years
Then he said he could not marry you because you were not catholic (Confused)

“The one” that looked into your eyes and said you were the love of his life
And barely two weeks after he told you that he was still in love with his ex in France or
“The one” that called off things with you to work out things with his ex
And sent you a text months later saying ‘Hey, I’m back because it didn’t work out’ (Guts!)

“The one” that told you that he was just as celibate as you are
And then, you found out that he was just a male **** or
“The one” that made you so happy when he told you that he loved kids
Only later did you realise that it was because he was a paedophile (Evil men)

“The one” that always slept with you even when you didn’t want to
And then said he wanted a village virgin for a wife or
“The one” that whispered sweet nothing into your ears all night long
But refused to sit close to you in church because you are a sinner (Hypocrites)

“The one” with the bright movie star prospects in the future
And yet never went for an acting audition for the two years you dated or
 “The one” whose container was always about to arrive or business about to boom
Therefore he always borrowed money from you (NFA- no future ambition)

“The one” chyker that every time you changed your bb display picture
He would ping you to ask you about the ‘fine girl’ in the picture or
“The one” that said he wanted to date you exclusively
But told your friend he would have been with her if things were different (Idiots)

“The one” that told you that his dream was to own a bank
Ofcourse it was!, because he did yahoo-yahoo or
“The one” whose mum praised you the first time you met
But returned your belongings in a rice sack after both of you broke up (Speechless)

“The one” that would stop talking to you a day before your birthday or val’s day
But after a week, they try to resume their friendly duties (Alaroro)
Finally, “the ones” that would read this and dislike me
Because they know they are guilty of most (Ps: I don’t care :D)

The list could go on and on....if you have encountered such, don’t waste too much time being sad over good riddance.  If I were you, I would rejoice and be glad because not everyone had the opportunity or even the common sense, to escape from them when you did. That is why I usually share and laugh about these with my friends and I love to sing along with Queen B because trust me, “these ones” are the ‘best’ of the things you should never have.


  1. Funny post......Lol @alaroro,sack bag?? That's just mean! :'(.......there's nothing a girl will not hear,only God will save us

    1. haa haaa, such is life! people have even given me worse experiences, lol

  2. Aren't they all assholes!!

  3. Good read!!! But the story of the sickle cell girl from your village still remains a masterpiece. This is a close second. Truth is, there are good and bad things about people. We sometimes need to position ourselves to bring out the good in others, whether men or women. Have a nice night UGO. Lol

    1. Thanks dear, I will write another piece soon (wink)

  4. Ah, I remember the rice sack. That wasn't nice

  5. Haa haa, he probably forgot that his some of his agemates have grandkids

  6. Nice piece ......nd oh ukah is your big fan

  7. Bobos and their plenty

  8. hahaha... summing up all those cases is a good idea indeed !! Nice write up... you turned tragic cases to humor !!

    1. lol, my dear sometimes you just have to have a good laugh.

  9. Ahahaha, *ROTFLMAO* @Alaroro is the word of the day, nice piece! We wantu hear more tho!

  10. Lool, d 'idiots' reminds me of kelvin! Nice one gal★

    1. lol,he's not the only one o. they are many!

  11. Lmao!! I see some very familiar cases should share this post with those in question, they need to know their stupidity is getting famous hehehe...great piece btw :)

  12. thesoulquarian22 June 2014 at 02:19

    The ones who tell you their brother is getting married and you should help him select souvenirs he can donate only for you to see him and his wifes wedding sticker on one of the plastic hand fans you selected in the saloon (lucifers children)..And yeah dis actually happened to someone..she helped buy souvenirs for her boyfriends wedding

  13. oh my gosh, i'm just understanding this story. Goodnes, some people are just pure evil! chai.....smh.

  14. wow! just came across your blog now. lovely stories. your doing amazing stuffs here. well done girl.
